ENSCO Rail Introduces the Ultrasonic Rail Flaw System (URFS)

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Springfield, Va., January 10, 2022

ENSCO Rail, the leader in innovative, reliable, automated track inspection, is proud to introduce the latest product in its suite of railway track inspection and maintenance planning products: the Ultrasonic Rail Flaw System (URFS). Rail flaw detection technology is the most reliable method in the rail industry for preventing broken rails, the leading cause of track-related derailments, which can result in catastrophic damage.

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The ENSCO URFS is set to revolutionize the rail industry with improved prevention of broken rails and welds by using complementary technologies and skills sets. URFS will help railways meet regulatory requirements, prevent derailments, and keep their railways running safely and efficiently.

The ENSCO URFS is focused on bringing value to the industry by reducing false-stops, increasing productivity through automation, increasing accuracy of true-positive detections, and measuring corresponding conditions to aid in the prediction and prevention of rail flaws.

With more than 50 years of experience developing technologies with world class engineering staff for the rail industry, ENSCO is pleased to offer URFS in its portfolio of products. URFS seamlessly integrates with other ENSCO automated track inspection technologies, such as Zero-Speed Track Geometry and Rail Profile Measurement, as well as machine vision technology. This provides multiple benefits, allowing customers to ensure highly accurate defect location, data cross correlation and analysis, and standardization of operator controls to minimize training requirements. In addition, combining URFS with ENSCO Rail complementary machine vision inspection technologies, including our patented Rail Surface Imaging System and Joint Bar Imaging System, allows customers to significantly improve the assessment of overall rail integrity.

“ENSCO Rail has a long history of advancing rail track inspection to make rail transport safer and more efficient,” states ENSCO President Boris Nejikovsky. “URFS is the latest advance in a suite of products that is backed by the largest team of track inspection technology engineering experts in the industry. We’ve built a reputation of listening to customer needs and developing and directing technology to meet those needs. We look forward to introducing next-generation capabilities that will propel ultrasonic rail flaw technology forward, to include improved automation, increased accuracy and decreased false stops.”

About ENSCO Rail

ENSCO Rail is recognized globally as a leading provider of railway infrastructure inspection technology. Our products and services are provided to governments and railways in more than 12 countries on five continents. The work ENSCO does helps to prevent train derailments which can have serious impacts on human life, the environment and the economy. ENSCO Rail is part of the greater Surface Transportation Group (STG) within ENSCO, Inc. Learn more about ENSCO Rail.

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